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- METZ Phones
- METZ Software, Inc. Support (206)-641-4525
- P.O. Box 6699 Sales 1-800-447-1712
- Bellevue, Wa., 98008-0699, U.S.A. International (206) 641-4525
- Fax (206) 644-6026
- CompuServe: [75300,1627]
- METZ Software is pleased to announce our support forum on
- CompuServe. Type GO WINAPC, choose 3 - Libraries, then
- 7 - METZ Software to visit our forum. Drop us a note anytime!
- Overview
- METZ Phones is a personal/customer information manager for Microsoft
- Windows. With Phones you can maintain lists of names, addresses, phone
- numbers, and notes. If you have a Hayes compatible modem, Phones can
- automatically dial your phone. Several print options are included as well.
- Non-registered users
- This release is a demonstration version and as such is not to be
- sold. Phones may only be distributed for free (or at cost) as the
- following group of files: PHONES.EXE, PHONES.TXT, PHDIAL.XLM, PHDIAL.TXT
- files may not be modified in any way.
- Use for purposes other than evaluation requires payment of the
- registration fee. Once you register and receive a license number you are
- automatically allowed to upgrade to future releases. It is important
- that you register this application to help insure continued support and
- development. Our intention is to provide useful, user-friendly
- applications at a low cost, and your support helps make that possible.
- All available functionality is enabled in this version to provide
- you the ability to effectively evaluate this application.
- Ordering information is included in the file METZ.ORD or available
- by contacting METZ Software. All orders will receive a disk containing
- the latest versions of our products.
- Using Phones
- If you have trouble dialing a number, make sure that your configuration
- is correctly set. Phone numbers are not validated and are assumed to be in
- a Hayes compatable format. Please do not set the dialing prefix to
- ATDT or ATDP as this prefix is automatically set by Phones when dialing
- a number. The dialing prefix is meant to allow you to issue Hayes
- commands prior to dialing such as speaker control, etc. See your
- modem reference manual for the Hayes commands available.
- The filesize of a phone list is limited to about 50-60K (check the
- dos filesize) which should be sufficient for average usage. But, you
- can create as many separate Phones files as you want, and my find your
- phone lists more manageable this way. For example, you could break
- your list into files alphabetically or categorically.
- We have tried to be as consistent with Microsoft Windows interface
- specifications as possible. Please see the Microsoft Windows User's Guide
- for more information regarding the Windows interface.
- Your comments and suggestions are always welcome, and help make
- this application a better product.
- Information in this document is subject to change without notice
- and does not represent any commitment on the part of METZ Software. No
- warranties of any kind are associated with this product.
- Thank you for your support.
- File Descriptions
- PH.EXE or PHONES.ZIP - Archive file containing the following files:
- PHONES.EXE - The METZ Phones program. (required)
- PHONES.TXT - This file.
- WINWORD.TXT - Text of a WinWord macro for DDE Dialing.
- METZ.ORD - METZ Software order form.
- METZPROD.TXT - METZ Software product descriptions.
- COMM.TXT - Text from Microsoft regarding the use of COM3 & COM4.
- PHEXCEL.ZIP - DDE macros for Microsoft Excel
- PHDIAL.XLM - Sample Excel macro for DDE Dialing.
- PHDIAL.TXT - Text of a Excel macro for DDE Dialing.
- ADVANCED.XLM - Sample Excel macro for Advanced DDE Dialing.
- ADVANCED.TXT - Text of a Excel macro for Advanced DDE Dialing.
- Also included with METZ Dialer are more advanced macros for Word
- for Windows and Lotus 123 for Windows which can easily be modified
- to work with METZ Phones. Simply change the references of Dialer.exe
- to reference Phones.exe.
- ------------ METZ Phones version history ------------------
- Hints
- * Place the name of your Phones file in your WIN.INI 'Load' line,
- i.e. load C:\WINDOWS\PHONES.PHO. This will automatically icon Phones
- with that file. Plus, the file is not actually loaded by Phones
- until the icon is opened, saving time and memory.
- * If you use Com ports 3 or 4, please read the contents of the file
- Version 3.49B
- * Maintenance release.
- Version 3.49
- * The DDE HANGUP no longer closes Phones.
- * Phones now will read CardFile files over 64K in size. Since Phones
- is limited to a file size of 64K, you will be given the opportunity
- to create a new file for each 64K of data read from the CardFile file.
- * Phones now will read METZ Dialer files. Dialer saves its information
- as a file called DIALER.DPN. Simply open the DIALER.DPN file from
- Phones to load it.
- * A problem loading Cardfile data in low memory conditions has been
- fixed.
- * Pressing Alt F S (File Save) no longer jumps the current phone
- selection to the S's.
- Version 3.48
- * Phones will now read in Cardfile files! Simply open the desired
- file from the File Open menu and Phones will do the rest.
- Phones will parse each card and place the index in the Phones
- name field. Phones will also parse the index for a valid phone
- number, and place it in the first phone number field. You will
- also be asked whether the cardfile data should be placed in the
- Phones address fields. Responding NO will result in the data
- being placed in the notes fields. Data that won't fit in the
- address field will be placed in the Notes.
- Phones will do it's best to parse the cardfile data, you may need
- to 'touch up' some entries once they have been processed. The
- cut and paste menu items should make this task quite easy.
- Phones ignores any bitmaps contained in the cardfile file.
- * Advanced DDE commands have been added. The included Excel macro
- ADVANCED.XLM (ADVANCED.TXT) demonstrates the new DDE commands.
- [DIAL(phone#)] - dials the phone# without displaying the "Pickup
- the phone" message.
- [HANGUP] - Hangs up the modem/phone.
- [CLOSE] - Closes Phones.
- The brackets and parenthesis are required, and spaces are only
- allowed within the phone #.
- * WINWORD.TXT is the text from a WinWord macro to dial selected
- phone numbers from Word.
- Version 3.47
- * Phones will check the screen coordinates contained in the .PHO
- file and alter them if they are off of the screen. This was
- a potential problem if you copied the file to another machine with
- a lower screen resolution.
- * Pressing Alt+S when adding or modifying a name would cause
- a newline in the address or notes fields if the cursor was
- there. This has been fixed.
- * Phones now has true CSV (Comma Separated Value) file support.
- CSV files can contain quote marks around fields and Phones
- will parse them correctly.
- Version 3.46
- * The Speed Dial option inadvertantly selected the last number
- available instead of the first available number.
- * On some printers, the last line of a printed page was getting
- chopped off. To prevent this, one less line per page is printed.
- Version 3.45
- * A Speed Dial option has been added to the Dial menu. Speed Dial
- simply dials the first number available for a selected Phones
- entry. No statistics are kept when speed dialing. The Function
- key F3 will cause Phones to Speed Dial a selection.
- * 3 additional Norwegian characters are added to the Phones character
- buttons if your country is set to Norway from the CONTROL.EXE.
- Version 3.44
- * Version 3.43 had a bug which caused an error when saving a file
- under Windows 3.0. This has been fixed.
- Version 3.43
- * This version has some changes and options addressing the dialing
- speed and modem compatibilities:
- Phones now performs modem initialization the first time a number
- is dialed. Subsequent attempts to dial a number will skip the
- initialization process. Should Phones have trouble dialing
- an number more than once, please add the following line to
- your WIN.INI file:
- [METZ Phones] -- find this header
- hayes=0 -- add this line
- If you have a truly Hayes compatible modem, try adding the
- following line to the Phones section of your WIN.INI file:
- [METZ Phones] -- find this header
- hayes=1 -- add this line
- Remove this line if Phones has trouble dialing or disconnecting.
- * An obscure bug when printing single columns has been fixed.
- Version 3.42
- * The Dialing prefix was inadvertantly appended a second time when
- dialing from the Dial screen. A number that appeared as 9,555-5555
- wound up being dialed as 9,9,555-5555. This has been fixed and only
- affects users of the dialing prefix.
- Version 3.41
- * The Control-User dialog was improperly handling the button selections
- for the Double Click and Enter defaults.
- Version 3.4
- * You can now use the Enter key within the Address and Notes fields
- in the various Phones dialog boxes. Ctrl Enter works as well.
- While the Common User Access specification defined CTRL ENTER as
- the mechanism within which you are to add a newline to a multiline
- field, it is not obvious or intuitive, because of this, we have
- decided to support the enter key within these fields.
- * Pulldown menus have been added to the following dialogs:
- Add Entry
- Modify Entry
- Dial
- The pulldown menu contains Undo and Clipboard functions.
- * Phones now abbreviates it's title bar while iconic. This should
- improve the icon appearance under Windows 3.0.
- * Phones will now detect if there is no dialtone when dialing.
- * The Control-User dialog now allows you to specify the default
- action to perform when you double click on an entry with the mouse.
- * The Dial Pad now supports alpha-numeric phone numbers.
- * If you make changes to a phone number on the Dialing dialog,
- Phones will ask you if you want to save those changes when you
- select exit.
- * Phones did not work with some older or non-standard Hayes
- compatible modems. This version now should work on a wider
- variety of Hayes "compatible" modems. The performance of the
- dialing process has been improved as well.
- * An option to display various area codes and country codes has been
- added to the File menu. The values can be sorted numerically or
- alphabetically.
- * Printer Setup and Exit have been added to the File menu.
- * The configuration dialog will ignore the preliminary modem command
- if it is set to ATDT or ATDP as this is already automatically
- generated by the dialing process.
- * It was possible to encounter a system error using a large Phones
- file (about 64K) under Windows 3.0. Phones will now display
- a message stating that the maximum number of entries has been
- reached instead of failing. One other system error problem was
- fixed as well.
- Version 3.31
- * The Merge option was resizing Phones to the screen position of
- the file being merged (if a Phones 3.3 file). Merge now does
- not affect the current screen position.
- * The width of the main listbox has been made slightly narrower
- when running under Windows 3.0 to prevent display of extranious
- characters.
- Version 3.3
- * This version is compatible with Windows 2.x and 3.0.
- * Phones now can dial a number via DDE. A sample macro for Excel
- is included (PHDIAL.XLM). Be sure that you have configured your
- modem with Phones.
- When using Microsoft Excel, load PHDIAL.XLM, then, to dial a number,
- select a cell in your spreadsheet which contains a phone number and
- press CTRL+D (Control D). Phones will then begin the process of
- dialing the number. A dialog box will appear asking you to pickup
- the phone. Press OK after the number has been dialed and your
- phone is off hook.
- * A preliminary modem command has been added to the Control Modem
- dialog. This field can be set to a modem command you wish to
- have sent just before Phones dials a number. For example, some
- users need to turn the speaker on, so they would place ATM1 in
- this field, and Phones will issue an ATM1 to the modem before
- dialing. Other possible uses would be for volume control.
- See your modem reference manual for the command options and
- syntax. Note, only certain commands are useful for this option.
- The ATDP or ATDT commands are automatically added to a
- phone numbers when dialing, and are not intended to be placed
- in this field.
- Is there a need for a post dialing modem command option?
- * Several modifications have been made to improve the dialing process
- and modem compatibilities.
- * Phones now saves it's screen position with each of your files.
- After sizing or positioning Phones to your liking, select
- Save to have Phones store the screen position with the current file
- being used.
- Previous versions of Phones saved only one position regardless of
- the number of files in use.
- * The size of the notes has been increased from 300 characters to a
- maximum of 600.
- * Phones will now dial phone numbers containing characters. Each
- character is translated to the corresponding number on a normal
- phone dial pad before dialing. (i.e. 555-SNOW will be dialed
- as 555-7669) The characters can be upper or lower case.
- * A 'Print 4 Columns' button has been added to the Print dialog.
- Selecting this button will cause Phones to print a condensed
- 4 column listing of each name and with the three phone numbers.
- * DialPad has been added to the Dial Menu. The Dial Pad is useful
- for speed dialing temporary numbers.
- * The Print dialog now lets you specify extra blank lines, this
- is useful when you are formatting output for labels, or want
- extra lines between each persons information.
- * The Print dialog now has a selection for printing Notes.
- * The Dial dialog now has Save and Cancel buttons. Use Save to
- save the information on the screen (some of the information is
- changed automatically when you dial a number), and Cancel to
- discard those changes. While dialing a number, the Cancel button
- will disconnect the modem, rather than cancelling the dialog.
- If you make changes to any of the first three phone numbers, Phones
- will ask if you want to save those changes as well when Save is
- selected. This is useful when you dial a number that has been
- changed and you wish to update that information immediately.
- * A 'Merge...' option has been added to the file menu. This option
- allows you to combine data from another file with the currently
- loaded file.
- * A 'SideKick file...' option has been added to the file menu. This
- option will create an output file that is compatible with the DOS
- Sidekick application.
- * When you select one of the buttons containing the letters of the
- alphabet or press letters A thru Z, Phones will now scroll the first
- selection found to the top of the listbox (if the selection was not
- already visible).
- * The Dial dialog will now dial a number when the focus is on a button
- or phone number field and the enter key is pressed.
- * The Dial dialog now has automated dialing. Depending on your modem,
- the busy signal will be detected or Phones will disconnect from the
- modem after 10-160 seconds of ringing. You can now pick up your phone
- at any time before or during the dialing process.
- * The dialog screens for add/update/delete of names have been resized
- to fit on CGA screens.
- * Phones will now parse a file containing comma separated values.
- Use a file extension of .CSV so that Phones will know that the file
- is of this type. (This is also a convention used by Microsoft Excel.)
- Records are terminated by a Carriage Return, and each comma causes
- Phones to skip to the next field. The address is broken up into 4
- separate fields so that Phones can parse it correctly.
- Examples:
- name,home,work,other,address,address,address,address,notes,date,time,calls
- name,home,work,,address,address,address,,notes
- Phones will also output a file of this format if the filename you
- save to has an extension of ".CSV". The output process replaces
- existing comma's, line feeds, and carriage returns with spaces before
- placing comma's between the fields.
- * The dial dialog now displays the notes and allows you to update them
- while you are making a call.
- * The Paste option was not setting an internal modification flag which
- in some instances would not ask if you wanted to save the changes to
- your file.
- Version 3.22
- * Auto-Save now allows you to exit gracefully if the file is blank.
- Version 3.21
- * Print to a file was missing the linefeed when the phone number is
- blank.
- Version 3.2
- * Versions 3.0 & 3.1 contain a minor bug where the time and number of
- calls are not saved correctly. That problem is now fixed.
- * The Control/User selection now has an 'Auto-Save file' checkbox.
- When this is checked, Phones will automatically save your file instead
- of asking you if you want to save the changes. Uncheck it when you
- don't want to save changes.
- * The Dial dialog has been modified so that the available phone numbers
- appear in edit fields, and the buttons which dial the numbers appear
- to their left. This was done so that laptop users can remove an area
- code before dialing a number when they are within that area code.
- Changes made to the phone numbers on this screen are not saved.
- * The phone numbers on the Dial dialog now appear with the dialing
- prefix attached.
- * If no filename is passed to Phones via the command line, Phones will
- look for a file named "PHONES.PHO" in the current path and display
- it if found.
- * If you select 'use Find criteria' on the Print dialog, the Find
- dialog will appear if not present.
- Version 3.1
- * A Print with find option allows you to print only names which meet
- the current Find criteria. You can place a keyword in the notes
- and then use that keyword to print only those names. This option is
- part of the Print selection and requires that Find dialog be active
- so that Print can obtain the current Find criteria.
- * The clipboard is now supported. You can transfer complete records
- between instances of Phones, or paste the name and address into
- another Windows application, such as Write.
- * The clipboard can be used to move/copy values between edit fields in
- dialog boxes. Use Shift Delete to cut, Shift Insert to paste.
- * Phones will now remember it's last position and size for it's first
- instance, unless it is Zoomed or Iconed. Subsequent instances use
- the default position provided by Windows.
- * Dialing prefix - several users requested this feature. Useful when
- you have a telephone line that always requires a prefix. (i.e. '9,')
- This value can be set via the Control - Modem pulldown.
- * Several users have requested font support within Phones. By printing
- to a file and loading that file into your word processor, the font
- possibilities are endless!
- Version 3.0
- * The file format has been changed so that more information can be
- maintained with each entry. Phones will automatically convert your
- old file to this new format. (When you save the file it will
- assume the new format.)
- * Each name may now have:
- - Up to three phone numbers.
- - Up to 300 characters of notes (including carriage returns).
- * The date and time of the last call is now logged with each name.
- * The address information is now in one single edit field.
- * The address and notes fields allow carriage returns.
- * The Find option allows two search strings. You may specify that
- both fields must be found in a record. The entire record is searched,
- including notes.
- * Menu items which require a selection are greyed when no record is
- selected.
- * The Control menu now has a User selection. You may specify the
- titles to be used with each of the three phone numbers allowed,
- and specify the default action for the enter key.
- * When Dial is selected, a dialog box now appears. Each phone number
- available for the name is displayed as a pushbutton. Simply select
- the button containing the number you wish to dial. You may enter
- an optional number in the edit next to the 'Dial->' push button.
- Press the 'Dial->' button to dial that number.
- * A Status option has been added to the File menu. Status will
- display the number of entries you have in your current phone
- list and the number of characters currently used.
- * The print routine is fairly flexible, but your input regarding
- desired output would be appreciated. The notes are not printed
- by this version. Any suggestions on a format?
- Version 2.2
- * We have added a licensing interface which will allow registered
- users to obtain free updates. Once you register and receive a
- license number you are automatically allowed to upgrade to future
- releases. It is now important that you register this application
- to help insure continued support and development. Our intention is
- to provide useful, user-friendly applications at a low cost, and your
- support helps make that possible.
- * The Help menu has been set up to contain the following:
- Licensing Info - information regarding the application license.
- Enter License Number - method with which you enter a license number.
- About - copyright info.
- * The Find option now is modeless. That is, you can keep it active
- while you are using Phones, which makes it easy to switch between
- Find and normal activity.
- * The listbox now has a maximum width of the combined name and phone number.
- * The Page Setup menu item has been combined with the Print menu item.
- You can now additionally specify the number of copies and/or reroute the
- output to a file. The output file can then be pulled into your word
- processor where you can manipulate it (fonts, etc) into a customized
- format.